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When most mainstream fabric and wallpaper companies bring out dozens of new designs every year, Lewis & Wood introduce a select half-dozen. They do not advertise and they do not have a string of showrooms. In a world of too many fabrics and wallpapers, Lewis & Wood offers the edited version - high-quality, considered and concise.
The company may be small, but its output is distinctive. And while the name might not be familiar to the general public, their fabrics and wallpapers are known and loved by decorators who enjoy pulling them out of a bag to the delight of their clients.
Lewis & Wood designs have been described as bold, gentle, sophisticated, eccentric, traditional and innovative. Uniting them all is a sense of individuality, a quality that speaks of the carefully-crafted as opposed to the mass-produced.
If there is one secret to the success of Lewis & Wood, perhaps it’s this - they only produce things they love.
View the range of Lewis & Wood fabrics and wallpapers at our Sunshine Coast store.
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